All staff and volunteers aim to create an environment where all who access the activities and performances have a positive and enjoyable experience. Shanklin Theatre are committed to a code of good practice with regards to the relationship between its volunteers, paid members of staff, performers and visitors.

All individuals, upon becoming a volunteer, must commit themselves to this Code of Conduct.

Various Health & Safety training sessions and courses are provided free of charge which we encourage all volunteers to attend. However, it is mandatory that all volunteers attend at least one Fire and Emergency Evacuation training session within a 12 month period. These training sessions ensure the safety and security of our audiences, performers and volunteers. It also fulfils our duty of care and legal responsibilities with current legislation guidelines and the Theatre’s health and safety procedures. Failure to attend at least one session in a 12 month period could result in the volunteer being excluded from volunteering within the Theatre until attending an evacuation training evening. The Theatre and Stage Management have overall responsibility for the safe running of the Theatre. Therefore, it is important for volunteers to respond positively to their requests.

We request that volunteers:

  1. Treat everyone with respect and dignity
  • Respect and be sensitive to individuals’ beliefs/ faith/ religion
  • Respect and be sensitive to individuals’ sexuality/gender/age
  • Respect and be sensitive to individuals with special and/or additional needs
  1. Follow safety and security guidelines
  • Wear volunteer badges/lanyards at all times when present in the Theatre for security and identity purposes
  • Ensure that relevant procedures have been read and are followed i.e. Box Office/Ushers/Green Room
  • Not consume alcohol whilst on duty. Arrive for duty at the Theatre free from the effects of alcohol and drugs
  • Must sign in when arriving at the Theatre and sign out when leaving
  • Make every effort to attend mandatory training sessions and inform the Volunteer Liaison Officer if you are unable to attend
  1. Support your team colleagues
  • Be punctual
  • Inform your team leader if you are unable to attend an agreed shift
  1. Represent the Theatre
  • Be polite, welcoming and helpful to the public and to new volunteers
  • Not use bad language
  • Respect the performers and comment positively about the performances when on duty
  • Refrain from the use of offensive emails, insults, tweets, or comments on social media networking sites.
  • Dress appropriately for your role. All volunteers working a show shift to follow the agreed dress code of smart black trousers/skirts and white shirts/blouses and black jackets/jumpers/cardigans. It is highly recommended that sensible black closed toe footwear is worn, and during hot weather a black/dark colour sturdy walking sandal.

We welcome all volunteers to contribute ideas in order to improve the Theatre and urge volunteers to adhere to the channels of communication in place when doing so. Should any volunteer have a concern, they must, in the first instance, consult with their appropriate Team Leader. 

Should the volunteer feel the concern has not been resolved, the volunteer then has the opportunity to raise the issue with the Volunteer Liaison Officer ([email protected]). If the Volunteer Liaison Officer is unable to resolve the concern, he/she will refer the matter to the Managing Director of the Theatre.

In such cases, where the concern may have arisen with the Team Leader, the volunteer should communicate directly with the Volunteer Liaison Officer. All these matters should be treated confidentially.

Shanklin Theatre is committed to an annual review of this Code of Conduct.

By signing this document, you agree to adhere to this Code of Conduct.

I agree to follow the Shanklin Theatre Code of Conduct for Volunteers

Full Name………………………………………………… Signed:…………………………………………………


This document reviewed January 2025
